I study how plant-microbe interactions shape ecosystems. Both beneficial and parasitic symbionts can have profound impacts on individual plants that scale up to community-level changes. I hope to understand these relationships within the context of conservation and management issues.
Hyperparasitism and plant disease
2024 - present
Hyperparasites (parasites of parasites) can be helpful agents that reduce the impacts of disease. I am investigating how a fungal hyperparasite impacts powdery mildew infection.
Soil Fungi of CA Grasslands
2023 - 2024
Native California Grasslands have been drastically altered through colonization and urbanization, experiencing compound threats of overgrazing, fire regime change, and invasion by European species. We investigate how the soil fungal community changes as a result of invasion and in response to ongoing restoration efforts.
Plant-soil feedback & invasion
2022 - 2024
How might native plants influence invasions? Plants alter their local soil environment and subsequently affect plant growth through a process called plant-soil feedback. We ask if and how native species can influence the success of an invader (Genista monspessulana) through shared associations with soil symbionts.
Past work
Infectious disease evolution
Undergraduate research
Mentored by Elisa Visher
The Monoculture Effect - How host genetic diversity affects virus evolution
Virulence Evolution in Emerging Zoonotic Epidemics
Wildflower phenology